Yes, Lipton Ice Tea contains caffeine. The amount of caffeine depends on the particular variety of Lipton Ice Tea and the length of time it has been brewed. The following tables show the amount of caffeine per Lipton Iced Tea product. These figures are based from one tea bag being brewed between 2 to 3.5 minutes.

Likewise, how much caffeine is in unsweetened iced tea? Caffeine Content Of Popular Drinks

Soft drinks (12-ounce) caffeine (mg) Canada Dry Cola 30.0 AandW Creme Soda 29.0 Nestea Sweet Iced Tea 26.5 Nestea Unsweetened Iced Tea 26.0
Thereof, does unsweetened iced tea have caffeine?

Snapples Diet Green Teas contain 60 mg of caffeine per bottle, while their regular Green Teas contain 30 mg of caffeine per bottle and their White Teas contain less than 1 mg of caffeine per serving. Snapples Just Plain Unsweetened and Lemonade Iced Tea both contain 18 mg of caffeine per bottle.

How much caffeine is in a bag of Lipton tea?

Traditional Lipton Black Tea contains about 55mg of caffeine per 8 fl. oz. serving using one tea bag. The caffeine content of Lipton Natural Energy Tea is derived by using one 2 gram tea bag steeped in 8 fl.